What does the ultimate Star Trek fan do when money is burning a hole in her pocket?

She buys a one-of-a-kind item from Leonard Nimoy’s Etsy store.

*I shall go distracted*

I was NOT letting that sort of thing just stay there and NOT have one.  Are you kidding me.  $75.00.  No way, no how!

And unlike “professional collectors” I KEEP my stuff.  I don’t sell things like that for profit.

Are you kidding me: Sell something of Leonard Nimoy’s own creation?


Star Trek 12: A first look

Someone has been leaking Star Trek photos all over the Interwebs lately.  However, until now, I have only seen casual on-set moments, not actual photographic evidence of the filming itself.

However, there is something utterly, utterly wrong with this photo.  Can you guess what?

It’s Spock’s hair… Spock’s hair should NEVER be mussed.  Sheesh!  That is Trek 101!

In this scene Spock is fighting with Sherlock fangirl favorite, Benedict Cumberbatch, who, if you look closely, is wearing a Starfleet-issued black uniform undershirt.  Curiouser and curiouser! I wonder what that is all about.  And I am especially concerned that Spock is “fighting” again.  What’s up with that?

And in this one below, here is our girl, Nyota, looking hot and in control…

As if she would ever be out of control!  It’s almost how she looks in her Barbie box! 🙂

Speaking of being a trek nerd…

Kirsty (of Boblog) sent me a link to some really interesting “Victorian style photographs” a while back.  At the time I was out of town and in my own little world and promptly forgot all about them.

Then today, the author, Jennifer Weiner was tweeting about William Shatner being on the same plane as her (imagine that… I would have imploded from the sheer glee of seeing Captain Kirk sitting down beside be).  That instantly reminded me of the link Kirsty sent.  Of course, I have since “stolen” one of the photos for my own viewing pleasure…

Kirk as a Field Marshall

But wait, there’s more “Victorian” Star Trek….

You know this is just screaming for “someone” to write a Victorian era Trek time travel story!

New story: The Illogical Female Mind

Author’s note: First things first.  This story will most likely NEVER be completed, however, I have stopped it in a perfectly logical place to keep from leaving my readers hanging (and angry).

It is a rough draft of a story that has been bursting out of my brain, demanding to be told.  It is also a TOS “friendship” story.  Enough with the kissy-kissy Spuhura romances already.  I love them as much as the next person, but I want to explore a purely platonic relationship for once.

This story is also a 3rd or 4th year mission fic and is more or less in canon.  It doesn’t really fall within my TOS universe, although, nothing about it affects the outcome of my stories: Brief Encounter, Between Logic and Longing & The Fundamental Things Apply, so if you want to fit it in neatly (in your mind) feel free. If you do want it to fit for your own sake, it would actually follow Brief Encounter, but it is really a stand-alone fic.

BTW:  As always, there will be type-o’s and such, so gird your loins.  Either way, I hope you enjoy it.

{Disclaimer: Star Trek and it’s characters are not mine.  I merely enjoy stealing them to manipulate to my heart’s content}

Rated PG for mild language

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